The Team is composed of 2 crazy teammates.
Let’s meet them below and discover their stories!
The creature of the Colony

The creator of the Colony

The creature of the Colony

His/her (real) name is Monstee, born in 2021 on the Polygon blockchain.
The creature is also growing on the Ethereum blockchain.
Yes, Monstee-Web3 is my teammate!
This whole adventure would not have existed without him/her.
Monstee is not a unique character, it’s a Colony where all the creatures are named ‘Monstee’.
You can meet and adopt them on OpenSea, a lot of them are ready to be adopted!
The creator of the Colony

My (nick)name is Monstee, also known as BCK-Digital. Born in 1988 in Paris/France.
I began working in a bank on 2008 as a bank advisor.
I’m not born in the best places of Paris, somewhere in french bad suburbs/banlieues.
I was about 7 when we moved from there for a better life on another nice city near to the old one.
I was good at school and that was annoying for some people.
The little Monstee who came from a ‘banlieue’ with low education level schools, but successful in good reputation schools!
Later we came back to our old location because of family shits, before leaving home when married.
I think to be like a Chameleon able to adapt to every situation because of my past.
I work in a bank where I loved to be, but things changed with time.
I still like it but I’m tired of receiving many customers at the office and replying to hundrends of emails and calls every day.
I do my best for the satisfaction of the customers instead of my own satisfaction.
The company got me because of advantages and good salaries.
However my mind is elsewhere.
Pationate about computers and digital, I always worked a lot on computers.
In my teenage years I started creating characters and stages on a fighting video game on Windows and Linux.
I didn’t know it but it was the early beginning of my NFT life!
I learned on my own many things about Photoshop and Illustrator and acquired serious skills with time (mostly on Photoshop).
On november 2021 I decided to launch my onw NFT collection. Monstee was born.
Why Monstee ? I’m quite a shy and reserved person, I don’t speak very much.
A kind and very patient person with an awesome self-control, but also able to go very nervous 😈
Being a kind person is not always easy, people trying to take advantages on it.
So I always tried to look like a monster, especially when I lived in the bad streets of Paris.
That was a way to protect myself, Monstee is an invisible character I always had with me like a mask hiding my face. A kind man behind a mad monster.
That’s why the Monstee NFT collection is made up of both evil and kind creatures.
Oh, one last clarification: you don’t BUY a Monstee, you ADOPT a Monstee!
Money doesn’t matter in the project, adopting a Monstee-Web3 is a way to collect a part of Monstee-Web2’s life story.
The Monstee project is part of the BCK-Digital group, which offers digital solutions.
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